cover image: RU The - Russian Federation


RU The - Russian Federation

29 Mar 2022

Ninety-one percent of HE enrolments in the Russian Federation were in public institutions in 2018, which was above the average for the rest of EECA. [...] 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Public Private Rest of Global North Public Private PART II: HIGHER EDUCATION FINANCING FIGURE 7 — Change in real total public spending on higher education in Russia, the rest of EECA and the rest of the Global North, 2006-2018 (2F0IG0U6R=E1 06 0- ) Change in real total public spending on higher education in country, region Public HE spending in the Russi. [...] FormReesr tE oafs tEeErCn ABloc Russia Public, Comprehensive Universities Comprehensive Universities Private, Comprehensive Universities Public, Short-cycle HEIs Short-cycle HEIs Private, Short-cycle HEIs Public, Total Total Private, Total PAGE 194 FIGURE 8 — Total public spending on higher education relative to GDP in FIGURE 9 — Change in real total institutional spending of public Russia, the re. [...] FIGURE 15 — Share of students at public institutions under each type of FIGURE 16 — Fee revenues per student paying “regular” rates at public tuition regime in Russia, the rest of EECA and the rest of the Global institutions by institution type in PPP, 2006-2018 NFoIrGtUhR, E2 0 1056 - Sahnadre 2o0f s1t8udents at public institutions under each type of tuition regime in FIGURE 16 - Fee revenues per. [...] Relative to GDP per capita, student financial aid disbursements were well below the averages for the rest of the EECA and the Global North in 2006, and declined further over our period of interest (again recognising that our figures represent minimum estimates).
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