cover image: CPAWS National Urban Parks Policy Recommendations


CPAWS National Urban Parks Policy Recommendations

13 Apr 2022

Contribute to reconciliation: The proposed governing authorities must commit to early and on-going meaningful engagement with Indigenous Nations in whose traditional territories the area is located, to respecting the principles of UNDRIP, including free, prior and informed consent, and to the potential co- creation, co-governance and/or co-management of the NUP in ways that reflect the interests o. [...] Transparency: There must be a commitment from governing authorities to be transparent in decision- making and to meaningful and on-going engagement and consultation with stakeholders in the establishment and management of the park. [...] (JBRPC) - formed to support the unique relationship between the City of New York and the National Parks Service - works to expand public access; increase recreational and educational opportunities; foster citizen stewardship and volunteerism; preserve and restore natural areas, including wetland and wildlife habitat; enhance cultural resources; and ensure the long-term sustainability of the parkla. [...] Example: Rouge’s NUP vision of a vibrant farming community: Parks Canada and park farmers will work hand-in-hand to shape a key role for park farming as part of a vital and diverse protected landscape, as a contributor to the maintenance or restoration of the park’s ecological integrity, as a provider of educational opportunities for visitors, and as a supporter of the food sustainability of the l. [...] Natural and green infrastructure development should be prioritized, and the development of invasive and harmful grey infrastructure should be avoided, if possible, including in the immediate proximity to the NUP and within its buffer zone.


Anna Pidgorna

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