cover image: Measuring Success - In Food System Planning - Ellen Gregg RD, MSc., PhD Candidate


Measuring Success - In Food System Planning - Ellen Gregg RD, MSc., PhD Candidate

12 Apr 2022

Immediate and continuous proximity to the moving picture show, …cigar store, saloon, candy store, and other institutions for the creation and satisfaction of appetites and habits is not good for the development of the child. [...] Influences and temptations resulting from the proximity of such business to the homes may affect seriously the morals of the youth in the community….” (New York Commission on Building Districts and Restrictions, 1917) Quote: Hirt, S. [...] Photo: 15 Pothukuchi and Kaufman (1999) Placing the Food System on the Urban Agenda: The Role of Municipal Institutions in Food System Planning • Food Industry and Economic Development • Food Waste and Environmental Sustainability • Diet Quality of Residents • Food Insecurity • Food Acces. [...] Placing the food system on the urban agenda: The role of municipal institutions in food system planning. [...] Does urban agriculture improve food security? Examining the nexus of food access and distribution of urban produced foods in the United States: A systematic review.
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