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Science & Technology Innovation Program Authors - The Potential for Low-Cost

7 Jun 2021

The Emergence of Low-Cost and Open Source Science Solutions The proliferation of these tools can be traced to the early 2000s, when the emergence of Do-It-Yourself (DIY) electronics, makerspaces equipped with 3D printers, and internet-enabled online community platforms opened making and hacking to more people than ever before.12,13 In addition to providing access to tools for making other tools, m. [...] However, open source design and production is, by nature, distributed and decentralized, and the originators of open hardware projects are less likely to exert the same levels of control observed in proprietary firms. [...] CONCLUSION What is the true potential for low-cost and open source hardware to accelerate and democratize scientific research? Evidence suggests that the potential for low-cost and open source hardware to accelerate and democratize scientific research is significant. [...] The price point of low-cost and open source tools enable individuals and community groups to monitor their environment, while the ability to design and create open source hardware enables ownership, agency, and control. [...] The Center’s mission is to commemorate the ideals and concerns of Woodrow Wilson by providing a link between the worlds of ideas and policy, while fostering research, study, discussion, and collaboration among a broad spectrum of individuals concerned with policy and scholarship in national and international affairs.
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