cover image: Migration and Exposure - Climate Change and Homelessness: - A global response framework


Migration and Exposure - Climate Change and Homelessness: - A global response framework

10 May 2022

Migration is also linked with physical and mental health problems and mor- tality, along with loss of employment and of productivity due to loss of contributing citizens. [...] Need to train and raise awareness among the affected communities on the impact of climate change, ways to respond and their inherent capacity to adapt to the climate crisis. [...] ེ Provider problem: Unprepared to mitigate risks and not properly resourced, increasing needs on the emergency/crisis end of the needs spectrum, reduction in outcomes in areas of employment and housing due to increasingly compromised health of clients and provider burnout, exacerbated by Covid-19. [...] ེ Government Establish processes and mechanisms through which aid and expertise can be quickly put in place to address weather exposure emergencies globally and training and support initiatives to bring up the experience and skill base of key local stakeholders. [...] communities ; UNFCCC: Land use Planning, strategies, and policies should be done through SDG 3: Good health and well-being ; SDG the lenses of environmental and climate justice to limit 10: Reduced inequality ; SDG 13: Climate further exposure to natural and man-made disaster action ; UNHCR: Health ; WHO ; PAHO ; and their accompanying traumas to physical and mental APHRC ; IDRC: Global health hea.
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