cover image: 2022 Work Plan Surviving the new global trade Trade - environment: Trade in the world


2022 Work Plan Surviving the new global trade Trade - environment: Trade in the world

12 May 2022

2022 Work Plan Surviving the new global trade Trade environment: Trade in the world of today, not of 20 years ago & Investment policy goalDefend and advance western Canadian trade interests in response to significant shifts in the global trade environment. [...] Centre China’s federal, provincial and sectoral five-year plans (FYP) and the mechanisms that China uses to advance its policy objectives, like the Belt and Road Initiative, will impact western Canadian interests in China and other Indo-Pacific Build capacity to trade & collaborate regional markets. [...] The work of the centre will improve the capacity of Canadian exporters to enter and thrive in global The West’s economic future largely begins and ends with markets, particularly in the Indo-Pacific, and articulate trade international trade. [...] trade policy toward Canada in ways that persist and will continue with CWF’s Trade and Investment Centre (TIC) has spent eight the current congress and the next. [...] Canada West Foundation | Trade & Investment Centre | 2022 Work Plan 2022 Work Plans What we do at CWF Trade & Investment Centre Build capacity to trade & collaborate Surviving the new global trade environment: Trade in the world of today, not of 20 years ago Surviving the new U.
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