cover image: WHAT - What is the problem? NOW? - Oh, the places youth could go!


WHAT - What is the problem? NOW? - Oh, the places youth could go!

13 Jun 2022

Respondents in the study’s focus multiple stakeholders to reverse the recent trend and attract groups emphasized concerns about and a commitment to youth back to the province by addressing the perception combating climate change and prioritized the reduction of that Alberta’s economy continues to be dominated by the fossil fuel consumption. [...] Alberta’s government and consistently estimated that around 40 per cent of Albertans post-secondary institution leaders, guidance and career work directly in oil and gas extraction.² When asked to counsellors, and employers in all sectors can all take part describe Alberta, 29 per cent of those outside Alberta, and 18 in the effort to communicate the breadth and depth of per cent of Albertan respo. [...] The environmental concerns expressed by youth and many others are being addressed in Alberta.⁷ The cleaning and greening The cleaning and greening of the oil and gas sector is not of the oil & gas sector the only reason youth should be attracted to Alberta. [...] There are many sectors that provide of these are spotlighted in the following infographic, which good career choices and offer meaningful work covers only a portion of the exciting developments in the and the means to build a good life. [...] • Overhaul Career and Life Management Curriculum to actively engage students in learning about the diverse sectors and job roles available in the Alberta economy and about the careers in which they may be most interested and successful.
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