Top 25 Largest, Wealthiest, or Worst Anti-choice Groups in Canada - alphabetical ordernot ranked


Top 25 Largest, Wealthiest, or Worst Anti-choice Groups in Canada - alphabetical ordernot ranked

30 Aug 2022

We defend the sanctity of human life against threats posed by abortion, euthanasia, doctor assisted suicide, reproductive and genetic technologies, cloning, infanticide, eugenics, population control, and threats to the family.” The CLC is Canada’s national, political anti-choice group and is highly active in politics and media. [...] Criteria Charity Description / Activities Right to Life Association Toronto ON 3 Y “At Toronto Right to Life, we envision a country where the intrinsic dignity of every human of Toronto and Area life is valued and the human rights of all human beings are protected. [...] To educate the public of Alberta on the issue of abortion…on the necessity of pro-lifers participation in politics. [...] It gathers Evangelicals together for impact, influence and identity in ministry and public witness.” This organization works to lobby Parliament and take on the Canadian courts in order to push for a literal interpretation of the Bible. [...] It has an anti-choice stance and intervened to fight against the requirement of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario that objecting doctors must refer for abortion and assisted dying.


Joyce Arthur

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