Recommendation on instrument-based screening for depression during pregnancy and the postpartum period


Recommendation on instrument-based screening for depression during pregnancy and the postpartum period

21 Jul 2022

The working group also clinician to have a meaningful and empathetic discussion about used the GRADE approach to determine the certainty of the the health of the patient. [...] Among these ing and adjudicating competing interests consists of the task 9 provinces and territories, 7 also provide a place to enter scores force chair and vice-chair and the director of the Global Health for depression screening instruments in medical record forms and Guidelines Division of PHAC.30 Funding for the task force is used during pregnancy or the postpartum period (Appendices 3 provid. [...] As screening practices vary a task force member but not a member of the topic working across Canada (Appendices 3, 4 and 5), jurisdictions may group, is the director of the Real World Evidence Unit, Univer- reconsider the use of such screening in settings where it is sity of Alberta, and director and co-chair of the Real World Evi- currently implemented. [...] Additionally, the authors thank peer reviewers and organizational Contributors: All of the authors contributed to the conception and stakeholders who provided feedback on the draft guideline, including design of the work and the acquisition, analysis and interpretation of Janice Christianson-Wood, Canadian Association of Social Workers, data. [...] All collaborating members of the Canadian gary, Alta.; Heather McClenaghan, Society of Obstetricians and Task Force on Preventive Health Care also made contributions to the Gynaec ologists of Canada, Ottawa, Ont.; Amy McGee, Canadian Asso- development of the guideline and all gave final approval of the version ciation of Midwives, Montréal, Que.; Justin Mills, Agency for Health- of the guideline t.
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