cover image: GlobalHAB: Evaluating, reducing and mitigating the cost of Harmful Algal blooms

GlobalHAB: Evaluating, reducing and mitigating the cost of Harmful Algal blooms

15 Jan 2020

The “ADRIFT” project was the culmination conducted the synthesis of the foundational Environmental of a 3-year study of the transport of marine debris, including Time Series Observations (ETSOs) of 15 biogeographical marine life, by the 2011 tsunami of Japan. [...] PICES and ICES agreed to jointly contribute to the sea turtle populations found in the southern waters off Ocean Decade and foster an international and diverse Korea, Japan, and China in order to understand the threats to science network to expand the capacity for co-producing the their habitat and ecology in relation to anthropogenic science that enables sustainable development of marine activiti. [...] One of the key fish species halibut and interacting species throughout the PICES region, in the North Pacific Ocean ecosystem is the Pacific halibut a FIS workshop (W2) entitled “Integrating biological (Hippoglossus stenolepis) due to its wide distribution along research, fisheries science and management of Pacific the continental shelf throughout the North Pacific and to its halibut and other wid. [...] Due to its highly migratory nature, its key ecological role and its The main objective of W2 was to provide state-of-the-art wide distribution in the North Pacific Ocean, increased information on important current topics related to the efforts are needed to expand and integrate information on the biology and fishery of Pacific halibut and interacting species biology and management of the Pacific h. [...] Planas ( is Manager of the Biological and Ecosystem Science Branch at the International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) in Seattle, Washington, and leads the biological research efforts at the IPHC in the research areas of migration, reproduction, growth, discard mortality assessment and genetics and genomics.

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