Policy Brief No. 176 — September 2022 - Toward an International Agenda to Protect the


Policy Brief No. 176 — September 2022 - Toward an International Agenda to Protect the

1 Nov 2022

of digital rights.2 The rights have external aspects when → The manipulation of our minds, whatever thoughts or opinions are manifested or expressed, and the technology used, undermines peace those aspects of the rights are familiar in discussions and democracy around the world, around freedom of expression or freedom of religion or shaking the foundations of the UN belief. [...] devastatingly with the consequences of Nazi Rights such as privacy, freedom of expression, propaganda and the horrors of the Second World and information and data protection operate as War, which led to the birth of the modern human gateway rights to bolster the right to this inner rights framework. [...] This can create the impression that we need to run to keep up 13 The 2021 report on freedom of thought of the UN special rapporteur on with the overwhelming advance of technological freedom of religion or belief, Ahmed Shaheed (UN General Assembly 2021), along with the reports of UN special rapporteurs on freedom of opinion and expression in recent years that touch on freedom of opinion in the dig. [...] Similarly, there is little development freedom in the forum internum, combined with of the right to freedom of opinion in the digital the fundamental importance of the issue for context, as opposed to the right to freedom of the future of humanity, merits the creation of expression as protected under article 19 of the a special envoy or a special representative of ICCPR. [...] (UN Committee on the Rights of the Child 2021, 11) Given the relative absence of analytical and jurisprudential development of the rights to Conclusion freedom in the forum internum contained in articles 18 and 19 of the ICCPR and the scale of Technology will shape our human future.
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