cover image: L'Institut de la CAD CDA Institute Cahier Vimy Vimy Paper


L'Institut de la CAD CDA Institute Cahier Vimy Vimy Paper

28 Aug 2018

The Revenge of Geography4 synthesizes the work of a number of 20th Century and earlier theorists, along with his own deep personal understanding developed over the course of a lifetime of travel to some of the remotest corners of the world. [...] From the Pyrenees and Bay of Biscay in the west to the Urals in the east, and from the Baltic and North Seas in the north to the Alps, Balkans and Carpathian Mountains in the south, most of Europe lacks natural defensive barriers. [...] Archimedes Overview On the face of it, science may seem to have little in common with geography and demographics in terms of the scope of this paper, and indeed the pace and visibility of progress in science and technology is breathtakingly fast compared to the other two areas of tectonic influence. [...] The solution to the breadth and complexity of the problem is therefore not for the country to try to avoid it, but rather to build, sustain, and successfully wield the national machinery needed to act effectively, with allies and partners, in its own interests in response to global security threats. [...] The Canada that contributed so significantly to the creation of the post-war world order – the foundation of the United Nations, the creation of NATO and NORAD (and giving them a meaningful share of the initial teeth needed to be effective), the development of then- innovative international mechanisms such as peacekeeping – has lost much of the national capacity and influence it had to do so and s.
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