Canadian Energy Centre (CEC) Submission to Environment and Climate Change Canada


Canadian Energy Centre (CEC) Submission to Environment and Climate Change Canada

11 Nov 2022

Efforts to encourage early adoption and lower the cost • CCUS adoption in the oil sands in the net zero low- of DAC, hydrogen, and CCUS should be emphasized by cost case is 34 MT in 2030 or 14 MT higher in 2030 government policymakers to reduce the negative economic and 44 MT in 2050 or 15 MT higher than in the net zero impacts of net zero for the oil and gas sector. [...] 2020-2050 | PJ • Hydrogen consumption in the oil sands sector in 2030 is 25 23 PJ in the net zero low-cost case, 4 PJ higher than the in the net zero reference cost case, and 14 PJ in 2050, 5 20 PJ higher than in the net zero reference cost case (see Figure ES11). [...] - 8 - Canadian Energy Centre (CEC) Submission to Environment and Climate Change Canada – Overview Report • Employment in the oil and gas sector is 1,000 higher in Figure ES14 2030 under the net zero low-cost case than under the Projected Canadian oil sands net zero reference cost case, and 7,000 higher in 2050 sector employment under current policy, announced policy, and net zero under the net zer. [...] Under the net zero reference cost 60 case, employment in the CCUS sector is 37,000 in 2030 and 68,000 in 2050, while under the net zero low-cost 50 case, employment in the CCUS sector is 35,000 in 2030 and 54,000 in 2050 (see Figure ES17). [...] current policy, announced policy and net zero • Under current policy, GDP in the CCUS sector is $3 billion 2020-2050 | Billions of 2020$ in 2030 and $5 billion in 2050, while under the net zero 30 low-cost case, GDP in the CCUS sector is $10 billion in 2030 and $19 billion in 2050 (see Figure ES20).
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