Annual Report  ➜


Annual Report ➜

12 Oct 2022

Impact study of the “Par et Pour” philosophy and its application within the Canadian Francophonie youth network on the personal and professional development of French- speaking youth – axe 2 Anne Robineau, Josée Guignard, Sylvain St-Onge, with collaboration of Éric Forgues and Groupe de travail Jeunes et recherche The CIRLM conducted an impact study of the “by and for youth” philosophy and how it. [...] The linguistic dimension in conceptual frameworks on the cultural and “creative” economy: The case of English-speaking arts and culture professionals in Quebec – axe 2 Anne Robineau, Lorraine O’Donnell (Quescren), Brian Lewis (Concordia) A study of the measurement indicators of cultural and “creative” industries and arts and culture professionals among the English-speaking population of Quebec. [...] Funded by SQRC Evaluation of the impact of the Vice-Versa program’s community-based school projects - axe 2 Anne Robineau, Josée Guignard, Sylvain St-Onge Evaluation of the impact of the Vice-Versa program’s community-based school projects on the vitality and development of Francophone minority communities (FMCs), as well as on the identity building of K-12 students for the 2019–2020, 2020–2021, 2. [...] It addressed various digital issues: online access to services in the minority language (in health, education, justice), revitalization and maintenance of the languages and cultures of the communities, and the discoverability of cultural content and online works. [...] The main objectives of the project are to 1) validate the concept of the vitality of memory and its scientific relevance; 2) understand how the vitality of memory is reflected over time in minority language communities; and 3) better understand the relationship between memory and the way in which language and/or culture are central to the lives and experiences of these communities.


Azure René de Cotret

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