Headline - first word caps and rest lower case.


Headline - first word caps and rest lower case.

18 Oct 2022

© NANOS RESEARCH 8 Please rank the top two ways to fund the cost of designating and Top two ways to fund the cost of Q managing protected areas, where one is the best way to fund and two the designating and managing protected areas second-best way to fund the cost of designating and managing protected areas. [...] Do you support, Support of the goal of increasing Q somewhat support, somewhat oppose or oppose the government of Canada’s commitment to the goal of increasing protected land to at least protected land to at least 30% 30% of the land in Canada? 2%6% 3% “ There is strong support among Canadians for the government’s commitment to the Net Score 27% goal of increasing protected land to at least +83.8. [...] Do you support, Support of the goal of increasing Q somewhat support, somewhat oppose or oppose the government of Canada’s commitment to the goal of increasing protected sea to at least protected sea to at least 30% 30% of the sea in Canada? 6% 2% 3% Net Score “ A strong majority of Canadians support or 26% +83.6 somewhat support the government of Canada’s 63% commitment to the goal of increasing. [...] www.nanos.co Page 10 2022-2220 – Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) – National Survey – STAT SHEET Please rank the top two ways to fund the cost of designating and managing protected areas, where one is the best way to fund and two the second best way to fund the cost of designating and managing protected areas. [...] www.nanos.co Page 11 2022-2220 – Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) – National Survey – STAT SHEET Please rank the top two ways to fund the cost of designating and managing protected areas, where one is the best way to fund and two the second best way to fund the cost of designating and managing protected areas.


Benjamin Labelle

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