cover image: Monitor Vol. 22, No. 4, November/December 2015


Monitor Vol. 22, No. 4, November/December 2015

26 Oct 2015

CANADA AND CLIMATE. He is application of international career she began working MONITOR ARE THOSE OF THE AUTHORS the author of the New law and respect for the with appropriated images, AND DO NOT NECESSARILY REFLECT Internationalist's The No- human rights of all parties. [...] The July-August sentence and the wording becoming the collective issue of the Monitor was The CCPA Monitor did a in the article concerning hitman for the corporate downloaded more than great job of informing us this person who was 15 mafia. [...] The consultation documents mandate to the minister responsible are advisory members to the committee, also draw the connection between the for women’s issues to work with oth- which was originally tasked with devel- gender pay gap and women’s unequal er ministers to “ensure that a gender lens is brought to government strat- oping an action plan by the time of On- reproductive and care responsibili. [...] to families who have the disposable the withdrawal of the federal govern- But are the intents of these programs income to save in the first place. [...] 12 In the news Asad Ismi Syriza holds on, but the left is weakened in Greece HE GREEK TRAGEDY of national rival, the right-wing New Democra- I support the current political men- Teconomic collapse appeared to cy party, got 28% of the vote, but the tality of the Greeks.”be turning into farce with the more important voice came from the The central contradiction brought re-election of Syriza at the e.
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