cover image: Child care


Child care

26 Apr 2001

care exist? In 1998, about 195,700 children under the age of 12 years lived in Manitoba, and In Manitoba, regulated childcare is a about 132,00 of them had mothers in the responsibility of the Ministry of Family paid labour force.15 The National Coun- Services and Housing, under the Child cil of Welfare therefore concludes that Day Care Office. [...] By the end of the Initiative, it Intercultural Council described the lack is expected that 1,042 reserve-based child of culturally sensitive and relevant mate- day care spaces will be established in rials and resources in child day care cen- Manitoba, governed by First Nations’ es- tres, and recommended changes in the tablished policy, framework, and regula- training and employment of child care 7. [...] In their view, the “future search and recommendations public infor- strategy for the child care system must be mation.134 a combination of expansion of spaces and One of the recommendations made by support to ensure quality care in both ex- the Regulatory Review Committee and isting and new spaces.”130 A decade later, adopted by the 2000-01 budget was an the Manitoba Child Care Association increas. [...] The the “first priority needs to be a change in recommendations are designed to “stabi- funding to permit a higher wage and im- lize the current system,” which the proved benefits for all caregivers” with MCCA, the Regulation Review Commit- any enhanced money going to the exist- tee and the Minister consider the top pri- ing system.131 In January 2000, over fifty- ority. [...] The largest reason for this lates the requirements for trained staff, decline is lack of political will on the part and there are no training requirements for of the government of the day.



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