cover image: Putting Canadians At Risk - How the federal government’s deregulation agenda threatens health

Putting Canadians At Risk - How the federal government’s deregulation agenda threatens health

12 Sep 2006

The tory system by the Organization for Economic government should revise its regulatory Cooperation and Development (OECD), a forum policy and other policies to reflect this of the major industrialized countries known for emphasis.18 its pro-liberalization views, and a second review In addition to the federal Regulatory Policy, by the External Advisory Committee on Smart the federal government’s. [...] Regulations must objective”23 and must “take measures to prevent also be designed in a way that does not restrict or mitigate the adverse and enhance the positive trade “any more than necessary to fulfill the in- impacts of regulation on competitiveness, trade tended policy objectives.”20 And international and investment, and the ability of the economy cooperation is mandated, with an objective of. [...] tion, with the onus on regulators to “demon- While the Smart Regulation Action Plan in- strate that regulation should be part of the mix cludes the drafting and implementation of the GD-R for the development of new regulations, the putting canadians at risk how deregulation threatens health and environmental standards 23 same screen will be applied to all existing regu- tion.” And, under the auspi. [...] the regulatory process (departments were deemed Citing the delays in Health Canada’s approval to be resistant to change), and the creation of process, the economic costs to companies, and external “swat teams” to examine and presum- alleged health costs to the public from being ably — as implied by the military jargon — oblit- denied access to new drugs, it advocated taking erate unnecessary exist. [...] For exam- riers to trade in services,” with the added con- ple, a legal challenge by Ethyl Corp to the Cana- dition that regulatory measures are “not more dian government’s ban on the import of MMT, burdensome than necessary to ensure the qual- a neuro-toxic gasoline additive, caused the gov- ity of the service” — in other words, the impo- ernment to reverse its ban and compensate the sition of a.

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