Northwest Community Studies Workforce Development Study


Northwest Community Studies Workforce Development Study

18 Jul 2022

The study will: a) Explore in more detail the questions, aspirations and topics of interest expressed by the community through the Township of Ignace project visioning process; b) Assist the NWMO and the Township of Ignace in developing and identifying possible programs and commitments that ensure the Project will be implemented in a manner that fosters the well-being of the Township of Ignace and. [...] The combined objectives of the studies are as follows: • Characterize and describe the labour (direct employment) needs of the Project and describe how the NWMO, the Township and regional agencies can develop the workforce necessary to undertake the APM Project. [...] The regional labour-shed considers communities in a boarder area relative to the necessary skills required of the Project and includes: • The City of Winnipeg; • The City of Steinbach; • The City of Kenora; • The Town of Atikokan; • The City of Thunder Bay; • The greater Sudbury area; • The City of Timmins; and • The Town of Marathon. [...] The relevant IAWG meetings to the Workforce Development study are: • An IAWG meeting took place in August 2021 (IAWG 2021a) and presented the scope of work for the People and Health, Community and Culture, and the Economics and Finance studies; • IAWG meeting was held in October 2021 (IAWG 2021b) and provided the objectives and focus areas for each of the community studies; • IAWG meeting was held. [...] and Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited 13 Ignace Population Local Study Area Population Northwest Community Studies Workforce Development Study June 2022 The reasons for the decline in population in Ignace have changed over time relate to shifts in the local economy and include: • The closure of the Mattabi Mine in 1991 (Beak and Golder 1997); and • Downturns in the forestry industry from 2000.


Graham Smith

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