cover image: A C E N e w s l e t


A C E N e w s l e t

20 Dec 2022

Placement Coordinators (who are employees of the Home and Community Care Support Services (HCCSS), previously known as the LHIN) are now authorized to do the following without the consent of the patient or their substitute decision-maker (SDM):9 Commence an application on behalf of a Transfer responsibility for the placement patient; 10 of the ALC patient to another placement Determine the A. [...] The distances are as follows: unwanted LTCH to a LTCH of their choice, even if they are on the crisis list.29 Many of a) within 70 kilometres of the patient’s these residents will likely never have the “preferred location” in the southern part opportunity to move into any of their homes of Ontario;25 or of choice, and will live in these forced b) within 150 kilometres from the patient’s placements. [...] fee 24 hours after a discharge order is made and the patient remains in hospital.34 The While the ALC patient may be forced to fee will be charged in two situations: move, the government cannot force them to a) if a bed is offered that the placement co- pay for the transportation, whether or not ordinator has applied to and accepted for they “have the means” to do so. [...] If the hospital or HCCSS discharged by the doctor with a care plan makes the arrangements for the that delivers more appropriate care transportation service, the contract would elsewhere such as a long-term care home be between the hospital/HCCSS and the or a home with home care, but who make transportation service, not with the ALC the choice to remain in hospital 35 patient, and this should be m. [...] the least affected, as they are more likely to be able to bear the cost of fees, which are It is very clear that the threat of the $400 similar to costly retirement homes, or will per day charge will induce people to not be in the situation in the first place, as “choose” to go to LTCHs that they believe to they may opt to pay for retirement homes or be unsuitable, or to return to the community in.


Kimber-lee Wargalla

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