cover image: A C E N e w s l e t


A C E N e w s l e t

20 Dec 2022

The section also prohibits the licensee from surrendering a license prior to the end Emergency Plans of term except with the consent of the The FLTCA now specifically requires homes Director or otherwise according to the Act or to plan for epidemics and pandemics in its legislation. [...] To evict tenants in Ontario, landlords are required to follow the procedures set out in If the tenant does not want to move out by the Residential Tenancies Act (the legislation the date set out in the Notice to End your that governs the relationship between Tenancy, the landlord can apply to the landlords and tenants in respect of Landlord and Tenant Board (the “Board”) for residential tenancies. [...] notice of termination to the tenant prior to making an application to the Board, but the Appropriate Alternative Accommodation tenant has the right to participate in The Board must decide whether there is mediation and in the hearing process before appropriate alternative accommodation the Board. [...] on application, order that the Among other things, in order to be capable document or writing is as valid and of making a will, individuals must fully effective as the will of the understand the nature and extent of their deceased, or as the revocation, estate assets, and appreciate the moral alteration or revival of the will of the claims of the potential beneficiaries of their estate. [...] Under 17 (4) A spouse is considered to be these the rules that govern an intestacy, a separated from the testator at the time legally married spouse is absolutely entitled of the testator’s death for the purposes to a “preferential share” of the estate – of subsection (3), if, being the first part of the estate up to a prescribed limit – in addition to any other (a) before the testator’s death, pr.


Kimber-lee Wargalla

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