cover image: WomanACT A Place of My Own Report [Final Copy]


WomanACT A Place of My Own Report [Final Copy]

16 Nov 2022

survey, interviews, and focus groups are brought Programs that enable survivors to remain in the together to illustrate survivors’ perspectives on shared home without the perpetrator represent a existing housing options, the option to remain in step forward in realizing the right to housing. [...] Survivors shared home and work as a group to brainstorm also had the opportunity to share ideas of resources the components and design of a Safe at Home and supports that would enable them to live housing program in their community. [...] designed to keep me safe and that I have to go to that point in order to be safe, that also is really invalidating.” 9 “A Place of My Own”: Survivors’ Perspectives on the Safe at Home Housing Model Findings The Safe at Home Experience What were survivors’ experiences of staying in their shared home without their partner after separating from a violent relationship? What worked well? “I am fortunat. [...] The appeal knowing the location; trauma attached to the of moving to a new home (selected by 52% of space; complications with the tenancy agreement survey participants) was echoed in interview and entitlement to the unit; harm or retaliation for discussions, where almost all survivors shared keeping the shared home; and already living in that their ideal housing situation at the time of an unsafe. [...] However, and design of Safe at Home programs will need survivors also had concerns about the affordability to be assessed and adapted on a case-by-case of independent living, the limited duration of basis, the takeaway message from survivors is supports, and the ongoing risk of harm from their clear: the option to remain in their home or move partner.



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