Pandemic Learning: - Migrant Care Workers and Their Families Are Essential in a Post-COVID-19 World

Pandemic Learning: - Migrant Care Workers and Their Families Are Essential in a Post-COVID-19 World

15 Dec 2022

This means that while migrants provide 3 support and care to families at the receiving end of the global care chain, this may come at the expense of their own children and extended families at the sending end of the chain. [...] Excessive fees charged by agencies or traffickers, the absence of adaptive and protective mechanisms needed in certain types of work, lack of accurate information on terms and conditions of employment, and restrictions on freedom of movement and association are also common examples of exploitation faced by migrant workers.16 Continuum of Global Responses to Migrant Domestic Care Work During the Pa. [...] Many migrant care work- ers, concerned about the wellbeing of families back in their country of origin, have sought to return to their countries of origin, but the pandemic has impeded such efforts due to threats and fears of job loss, the risk of contracting COVID-19, and expired work visas.19 Some countries have responded affirmatively to the new challenges COVID-19 presented to migrant care wor. [...] However, when the larger Federation of Dutch Trade Unions (FNV) began negotiating with employers in the de- centralized and privatized household service sector, the migrant domestic workers’ demands for legal status were excluded, denying them access to health services and the rights to open a bank account and travel in and out of the country.53 In Spain, by contrast, unions have played a crucial. [...] A mass demonstration on the streets of Madrid called for recognition of the sacrifices of care and domestic live-in workers who, during the pandemic, had the highest rates of infection.56, 57 In the United States, unions have joined with worker centers and domestic worker groups to push for legislative relief and improved conditions at the federal as well as state levels.

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