Digital Opportunities and Barriers for Ontario's Vulnerable Adults


Digital Opportunities and Barriers for Ontario's Vulnerable Adults

8 May 2017

The organization’s reach is wide as it is actively involved in disseminating and promoting research efforts via a comprehensive and internationally recognized website in English and French; newsletters with 2,000 subscribers across Canada; engagement with the networks of literacy streams and sector groups in Ontario; and participation in provincial, national and international events and conference. [...] The review’s findings will help the government better understand the depth of the digital divide, the relationship between Ontarians who are not participating in a digital society and broader socio-economic circumstances, in addition to currently available supports and initiatives at the federal, provincial and municipal levels. [...] Exploring the Depth of the Digital Divide The following elements of a digital divide are considered and used to organize the research synthesis: connectivity and affordability, variations in use and types of online activities, access to support and learning opportunities, and opportunities to leverage online engagement. [...] What policies, programs and practices are in place to address all aspects of a digital divide and inequities — that is, connectivity and affordability, variations in online activity and Internet use, 7 | D i g i t a l O p p o r t u n i t i e s a n d B a r r i e r s access to support and learning opportunities, and leveraging opportunities? Absence of Federal Initiatives Federal policy and program. [...] What is the role of governments and public institutions to ensure digital equity and digital inclusion? What are the aspects of current and future policies, programs and practices that could make a difference and support the transition to e-government services? 12 | D i g i t a l O p p o r t u n i t i e s a n d B a r r i e r s Digital Equity Strategies Pulling this all together will require a digi.


Christine Pinsent-Johnson & Matthias Sturm

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