cover image: Section C: The AFMC Graduate Medical Education – Masters and Doctoral (PhD) Candidates StudySection


Section C: The AFMC Graduate Medical Education – Masters and Doctoral (PhD) Candidates StudySection

22 Feb 2023

The AFMC Graduate Medical Education — Masters and Doctoral (PhD) Candidates Study — Description: The Graduate Medical Education Study provides information on graduate students at the Masters and PhD level in the Faculties of Medicine including degrees awarded by discipline, years of study, and enrolment. [...] The study is informed primarily via the AFMC Faculty of Medicine Survey (AFMS), which is an-annual survey collecting statistical information about Canadian faculties of medicine on a number of topics. [...] The GME study has been published in the CMES collection annually since 1978, with graduate student and faculty data available in our database since 2001 and all data since 2012. [...] The AFMC Graduate Medical Education - Masters and Doctoral (PhD) Candidates Study — Table Contents: Table C-1 E n r olment in Graduate Studies & Postdoctoral Studies and Degrees Awarded by Discipline in Canadian Faculties of Medicine Table C-2 E n rolment in Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Studies in Canadian Faculties of Medicine by Discipline Table C-3 Enrolment in Graduate Studies in Canadian. [...] CANADIAN MEDICAL EDUCATION STATISTICS 2021 27 Table C-1 Enrolment in Graduate Studies & Postdoctoral Studies and Degrees Awarded by Discipline in Canadian Faculties of Medicine 2007/08 to 2020/21 Enrolment Degrees Disciplines Year MSc PhD Post-doctoral MSc PhD 2007/08 3,414 3,762 1,696 857 558 2008/09 3,589 3,818 1,543 906 572 2009/10 3,508 3,939 1,506 882 550 2010/11 3,565 3,918 1,685 938 601 201.


Liane Kealey

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