Section D: The AFMC Biomedical Research Revenue StudySection D: The AFMC Biomedical Research Revenu


Section D: The AFMC Biomedical Research Revenue StudySection D: The AFMC Biomedical Research Revenu

22 Feb 2023

The AFMC Biomedical Research Revenue Study – Description: The Biomedical Research Revenue Study (formerly Biomedical and Health Care Research Revenues Study) provides detailed information on investments in biomedical and health care research at the Canadian Faculties of Medicine that conduct research. [...] The Biomedical Research Revenues Survey was revised in 2016/17 to ensure consistency in reporting and to include related affiliate revenue to better measure the true impact of the Faculties of Medicine research efforts. [...] The AFMC Biomedical Research Revenue Study – Table Contents: Table D-1 B iomedical Research Revenue: Funding and Affiliation of Canadian Faculties of Medicine Table D-2 B iomedical Research Revenue of Canadian Faculties of Medicine by Source of Funds — Funding Table D-3 B i o m edical Research Revenue of Canadian Faculties of Medicine by Category of Funds — Funding Table D-4 Biomedical Research Re. [...] The income for the sponsored research is reported in the financial statements of the non-consolidated affiliated institution and d. [...] The sponsored research would be reported in the sponsored research fund had the research been conducted at the reporting institution, rather than at the affiliated institution.


Liane Kealey

Published in

