cover image: Planning Justification Report - 190 & 194 Pinebush Road and 10 Wayne Avenue, Cambridge

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Planning Justification Report - 190 & 194 Pinebush Road and 10 Wayne Avenue, Cambridge

9 Jan 2023

In accordance with the MECP guidelines, noise warning clauses are recommended to inform the future residents of potential traffic noise excesses and the presence of the existing commercial/industrial facilities in the area of the subject site. [...] The stacked townhouses are three storeys tall, which is within two storeys of the residential dwellings to the north, the office use to the west, and commercial use to the east and south. [...] The requested amendment is appropriate and conforms with the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, the Region of Waterloo Official Plan, and the intent of the City of Cambridge Official Plan that direct growth and intensification to serviced sites within the Urban Boundary. [...] The Proposed Development is compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood and meets the intent of the Official Plan, it is our opinion that the requested amendment is appropriate and desirable for the redevelopment of the Site. [...] This Planning Justification Report concludes that the proposed Official Plan and Zoning By- law Amendments are appropriate and represent good planning for the following reasons: • They are consistent with the policies of the Provincial Policy Statement (2020); • They conform with the policies of the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe; • They conform with the policies of the Region of Wat.
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