cover image: apalutamide (a-pa-LOO-ta-mide) This document provides general information about your medication. It does not replace the advice of


apalutamide (a-pa-LOO-ta-mide) This document provides general information about your medication. It does not replace the advice of

September 2021 Page 4 of 12 apalutamide Common Side Effects (25 to 49 out of 100 people) Side effects and what to do When to contact health care team Fatigue Talk to your health care team if it What to look for? does not improve or if it is severe Feeling of tiredness or low energy that lasts a long time and does not. [...] September 2021 Page 6 of 12 apalutamide Less Common Side Effects (10 to 24 out of 100 people) Side effects and what to do When to contact health care team Talk to your health care team if you can’t drink 6 to 8 cups of liquids each day when you have diarrhea. [...] Changes to your hormone levels Talk to your health care team if it Your treatment causes changes in the levels of testosterone in your body. [...] September 2021 Page 9 of 12 apalutamide Less Common Side Effects (10 to 24 out of 100 people) Side effects and what to do When to contact health care team Bone pain; Bone loss or Bone fractures Talk to your health care team if it Your treatment may cause your bones to thin earlier than normal. [...] What to do? To help prevent bone loss and fractures Your health care team may ask you to change your diet, or may ask you to take calcium and vitamin D supplements, or other prescription medications.
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