There are five major land degradation/desertification hotspots in Uganda: the southwestern highlands, the Lake Victoria crescent region, the northwestern region, the eastern highlands, and the southwestern portion of the Cattle Corridor. [...] Implementation of the NAP was uncoordinated, however, and remained the responsibility of the Focal Point with support from only a few development partners, notably the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Global Mechanism (GM). [...] The GM’s financial and technical contributions to the government for NAP implementation have resulted in the following outcomes: i) NAP mainstreaming into the PEAP; ii) development of a rangeland policy to govern the sustainable use of the country’s rangeland resources; and (iii) development of a pastoral code to regulate rangeland use. [...] In addition to the NAP, the land degradation problem is addressed by several key government programmes, including: the Plan for the Modernization of Agriculture (PMA); the National Environment Action Plan (NEAP); the Environment and Natural Resources sector Investment Plan (ENR/ sIP); and the Comprehensive African Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP). [...] With support from TerrAfrica partners, notably the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) secretariat, the World Bank, the GM, UNDP and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the government is preparing a ten-year Country strategic Investment Framework (CsIF) under the leadership of an inter-ministerial technical committee.
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