cover image: W O R K I N G P A P


3 May 2023

The Context The Committee for State Security attached to the Council of Ministers of the USSR (the full name of the KGB) was formally founded on March 13, 1954.4 As the declassified draft notes of a top-ranking Communist official Vladimir Malin show, the discussion about the formation of the KGB took place in the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party on February 8, 1954,. [...] 200 of the Meeting of the Presidium of the CC CPSS with the approval of the project Regulation about the KGB attached to the CM of the USSR] in A. [...] [From the Minutes of the Meeting of the Presidium of the Central Commitтee of the CPSU on the Question of the Formation of the Committee for State Security, Minutes No. [...] and Israeli intelligence operations, personnel, and agents, the 2nd Section on the British, the 3rd Section on the German, the French, and the Scandinavian, the 4th Section on anti-Soviet organizations, such as the NTS26 as well as the Latvian émigré organizations, and the 5th Section on the search for state criminals and fugitives.27 This structure mirrored the structure of the SCD in many ways,. [...] The Fourth Speaker: Kopytov, the Deputy Head of a Section of the Fourth Department of the SCD Kopytov was a representative of the 4th Department of the SCD whose activities were directed against French intelligence and the intelligence of the Scandinavian countries.38 He reported that the work of the 4th Section of the SD, which covered these issues in Latvia, had the same shortcomings already enu.
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