cover image: Risks of leukemia, intracranial tumours and lymphomas in childhood and early adulthood after pediatric radiation exposure from computed tomography

Risks of leukemia, intracranial tumours and lymphomas in childhood and early adulthood after pediatric radiation exposure from computed tomography

12 Apr 2023

The length of follow-up and the exposure period of the We reported this study according to the Strengthening the index case and the assigned controls were equivalent. [...] Using data from Gao and colleagues40 and from Kim and col- We found that receipt of a single CT scan at or before 18 years of leagues,41 the highest 2% of cumulative organ-specific doses age was not associated with increased risk of intracranial tumours, (> 98th to ≤ 100th percentile) was associated with elevated risk leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma or Hodgkin lymphoma, to the Table 4: Adjusted odd. [...] The large population of this nationwide cohort is one of the The positive relationship between the cumulative organ- major advantages of this study. [...] In addition, we matched cases specific dose of radiation and the risk of intracranial tumour and controls on the calendar year of cohort entry and the dura- and leukemia that we observed has also been seen in other tion of the exposure period to ensure equal opportunity for CT studies,7,8 but the association between childhood CT radiation exposure, avoiding a time-window bias.51 Furthermore, we an. [...] All of restrictions imposed by the government of Taiwan in relation to the the authors the acquisition, analysis, and interpretation of data.

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