cover image: Field Guide to Noxious Weeds and Other Selected Invasive Plants of British Columbia


Field Guide to Noxious Weeds and Other Selected Invasive Plants of British Columbia

13 Mar 2023

australis) PROVINCIAL NOXIOUS BUR CHERVIL (Anthriscus caucalis) • Annual or biennial herb from a taproot; 40 cm to 90 cm tall; stems are hollow, branched, and hairy near the base; leaves are alternate, fern-like, coarsely hairy and reduced in size towards the top of the stem; flowers are small and white with 5 petals that are borne in umbrella-like clusters at the top of stems • Reproduces by seed. [...] australis) • Perennial grass growing 1 m to 3 m tall; stems are stiff, smooth, round, hollow, un-branched, erect, and purplish in colour; leaves are 20 cm to 40 cm long, alternate up the stem and are often twisted at the base so that they appear flag-like on one side; flowers are purplish in colour and arranged densely along the stem in plume-like clusters • Reproduces by seed and rhizomes • Very. [...] Awns are twisted and bent at right angles when mature Base of leaf blades are slightly hairy • Annual grass growing from 0.3 m to 1 m tall; stems are hollow and erect; leaves of seedlings twist counterclockwise when viewed from above; seeds are yellow to black with a bent, twisted bristle (awn) and a circular scar (sucker mouth) at the base • Reproduces by seed • Found growing in cultivated and fa. [...] 55 REGIONAL NOXIOUS HOARY CRESS (Cardaria spp.) Heart-shaped seedpods Upper leaves clasping the stem • Creeping rooted perennial growing from 0.1 m to 0.6 m tall; lower leaves are stalked and hairy while upper leaves clasp the stem and are usually hairless; flowers are white, numerous, and arranged in a cluster at the top of the plant giving rise to its other common name of “white-top” • Reproduce. [...] • Upright, taprooted, evergreen shrub growing from 1 m to 3 m in height; stems are ridged, woody, green to brownish-green and prominently 5-angled; upper leaves are simple and unstalked; lower leaves are stalked and comprised of 3 oval leaflets; flowers are pea-like and bright yellow (sometimes with red markings in the middle); seedpods are flat, brown to black in colour with fine hairs on the mar.
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