cover image: Contact:  Makeda Zook, Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights


Contact: Makeda Zook, Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights

8 Jun 2022

Action Canada is a non-governmental organization in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council since 2004 that works nationally and globally to advance and uphold sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). [...] The Prime Minister’s Youth Council is a group of young Canadians who provide non-partisan advice to the Prime Minister and the Government of Canada on issues of importance to us and to all Canadians. [...] What are some of the main successes of your activism? To what extent is your activism influencing State authorities, including policies and legislation? Why and in which specific ways? The NYAB members talk about success in terms of reach and impact: Topaza Yu: One of the main successes of my activism as part of the NYAB was being part of launching four campaigns that destigmatized STI testing amo. [...] Dhruhi Shah: I have been able to witness the tangible impacts of my activism from organizations changing their sexual harassment policies to support their staff and clients, to implementing a province-wide Sexual Violence Support Line, to clients who are finally getting the right sexual health info, to clients who are supported in coming out as 2SLGBTQ+ and able to be their authentic selves To tac. [...] Jessiny Ly: For nation states, there needs to be people who represent the diversity of the country in the council that decides the legislation for the country (for Canada, it’s the House of Commons).


Makeda Zook

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