cover image: June 13, 2023  June 14, 2023 SCHEDULE Plenary B


June 13, 2023 June 14, 2023 SCHEDULE Plenary B

27 Apr 2023

Plenary A: Immigration, Work, and Health: Towards a more Holistic Mderator: To be confirmed Approach to Overlapping Structural Vulnerabilities and the Future of 9:30-10:00 Work by Micheal Flynn, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Block H: Protecting Block I: Protecting migrant workers: A French Health (Cincinnati, USA) migrant workers experience in the construction and public and OHS:. [...] occupational health and safety risks, and and Well-Being - and workplace equity - gender and other social Myriam Bérubé et al. [...] 15:00-15:30 #146-O: Refugee #19-O: Needs and #18-O: Experiences workers’ experiences with presence of temporary of injured immigrant occupational health and migrant workers workers treated safety in the context of in the regions of in physiotherapy: precarious employment - Quebec: a detailed an intersectional Sonja Senthanar et al. [...] June 13, 2023 June 14, 2023 15:30-16:00 Pause Pause Pause Block B: Working Block E: Block G: Trade environment and Rehabilitation unions' and different OHS : Racism and RTW issues: partners' role in OHS and other form of Ethnoracial issues discrimination and systemic Chair: To be discrimination determined Chair: To be determined Chair: To be determined ((ideally Closing speech by the Chairmen of t. [...] 16:30-17:00 #136-O: More than #125-O: The challen- #130-O: Safe Work In- just double discrimina- ges of continuity of tegration of Recent Im- tion: A scoping review front-line musculos- migrant and Refugees: of the experiences and keletal health care Employer and Service impact of ableism and for asylum seekers in Provider Perspectives - racism in employment Montreal: courses of Basak Yanar et al.
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