Article 13 of the News Media Law6 provides for 15 to 30 members of the Press Council to be appointed by the President, with one representative being proposed by each of the President, Chair of the Pyithu Hluttaw and Chair of the Amyotha Hluttaw, along with “representatives proposed by news media men, news agencies, printers, publishers, writers, poets, cartoonists according to the stipulated propo. [...] For the same reason, the system is normally very sensitive to the needs of the media, so that its decisions are likely to take the working realities of the media fully into account. [...] The board then appoints the list of adjudicators who sit on the various panels (such as the English-Language and French-Language Panels).14 In the Swedish system, the Media Ombudsman is appointed by a committee comprised of the Chief Parliamentary Ombudsman, the chair of the Swedish Bar Association and the chair of the National Press Club. [...] In Indonesia, for example, Article 15(2) of the 1999 Press Law allocates the following roles to the Press Council: • to protect freedom of the press from interferences by other parties; • to carry out studies to enhance the development of the press; • to sanction a Journalism Code of Ethics and to supervise its implementation; • to consider and help settle public complaints over press publication-. [...] The goal, ultimately, is to support the possibility of establishing a system of professional regulation of the media for Myanmar notwithstanding the challenges this involves.