cover image: FUTURE OF DIPLOMACY - Transforming Global Affairs Canada


FUTURE OF DIPLOMACY - Transforming Global Affairs Canada

5 Jun 2023

The global pandemic, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the rise of an increasingly disruptive China, and the growing effects of climate change have demonstrated to Canadians that the security and prosperity they have enjoyed since the end of the Cold War cannot be taken for granted. [...] Drivers of Change The end of the Cold War in 1989 ushered in a period of unprecedented globalization and interconnectedness, centred around the pre-eminence of the United States and a widely accepted web of international rules, founded on democratic principles. [...] Futur e of Diplomacy: Transforming Global Affairs Canada 23 UNDER EMBARGO security of staff abroad, manage the global network of missions (including the growing presence of other government departments and provinces/territories) and growing consular demands further contributed to the growth of positions in Canada outside of the foreign service. [...] Enabler functions, like the IT backbone of the department, and business processes should be aligned with the ambitious vision and objectives of the organization, including when the objectives evolve to accommodate new developments in the international context. [...] The department needs to rethink how it 27 In the United States the functions performed by Global Affairs Canada are spread over the State Department, the Office of the United States Trade Representative, some aspects of the Department of Commerce, and the United States Agency for International Development.


Rae, Lisa

Published in
