cover image: September 2023 - Guidance Document and Framework for Anti-Racist Approaches to Research

September 2023 - Guidance Document and Framework for Anti-Racist Approaches to Research

18 Sep 2023

ICES Program Leaders and Site Directors ICES Staff, Scientists and Trainees Executive Summary ...collecting and using race and The importance of collecting and using race and related data responsibly for health system related data improvement has been highlighted by communities, human rights advocates, equity resear. [...] The aims of this Guidance Document and Framework are to outline organizational strategies improvement has to help implement anti-racist and anti-oppressive practices, support appropriate use of race and related data at ICES, prompt scientists and research teams to consider the role of systemic been highlighted racism and other forms of oppression in perpetuating health inequities and support commu. [...] Principles for appropriate use of race and related data * The Framework to Drive Anti-Racist Approaches to Health Research at ICES was informed in part by the ICES Indigenous Data Governance Principles Framework, which was developed in collaboration with the Chiefs of Ontario and the ICES Indigenous Portfolio. [...] 1 Report biases/limitations and engage with Discuss racism and evaluate the Be explicit about the reasons for using Use race and related data to equity scholars across many disciplines 2 impact of health policy on racialized 3 race and related data in research and vet 4 illustrate the impact of racism on and communities for appropriate research populations. [...] Goal: Promote community-driven and community- 1.3 Data Quality Assessment and Data Acquisition informed anti-racist and multidisciplinary Assess the data quality and controls currently in place through a review and report of the research at ICES.

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