cover image: C:\Users\ACE\AppData\LocalLow\Spl5064.xps - Native


C:\Users\ACE\AppData\LocalLow\Spl5064.xps - Native

27 Sep 2023

The placement in hospital and the a ending clinician is of co-ordinator will provide the pa ent/SDM the opinion that the person no longer with informa on about the process for being requires the intensity of resources or services admi ed to LTCHs: choices the pa ent/SDM provided in the hospital care se ng.9 has and implica ons of those choices; alterna ve services; the pa ent’s To determine eligib. [...] Bill 7 Amendments Once the pa ent is approved by the home, the HCCSS placement co-ordinator will add The amendments resul ng from Bill 7 the pa ent to the home’s waitlist and will modified the admission process for ALC contact the pa ent/SDM once a bed offer pa ents requiring admission to a LTCH. [...] If no preferred address is informa on available to the placement provided, then it is either the pa ent’s co-ordinator at the me.30 Informa on can primary address or, if there is none, the be now be collected, used and disclosed to hospital.37 the HCCSS placement co-ordinator from a variety of sources, without the pa ent/ If the pa ent’s preferred loca on is in the SDM’s consent, to determine the. [...] If the person knows of a wish if, before giving it, applicable to the circumstances (a) the person received the that the incapable person informa on about the ma ers expressed while capable and set out in subsec on (3) that a a er a aining 16 years of age, reasonable person in the same the person shall give or refuse circumstances would require in consent in accordance with the order to make a dec. [...] The issue Lastly, where a pa ent has private insurance has only been exacerbated by the enactment to cover the cost for a semi-private or of Bill 7, which can result in the removal of private room in the hospital, they should be the fundamental right of choice and consent aware that, generally, insurance companies for hospital pa ents in the placement will not cover the cost of a semi-private or p.



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