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Moving Towards Next-generation Environmental Assessment in Nova Scotia:

5 Oct 2023

3.1.2 Decision to Require a Focus Report The criterion indicated in clause 13(1)(c) of the Regulations—“that a review of the information indicates that the adverse effects or significant environmental effects which may be caused by the undertaking are limited and that a focus report is required”—is ambiguous and unhelpful to members of the public, proponents, and the Minister and their staff. [...] 9 • the way in which and the extent to which the undertaking would contribute to sustainability; • the effects that the undertaking may have on Indigenous peoples in Nova Scotia, any adverse effect that the undertaking may have on Indigenous rights that are recognized and affirmed under section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982, and whether a decision to approve the undertaking would respect the ri. [...] One of the stated purposes of the Environment Act is “to support and promote the protection, enhancement, and prudent use of the environment” while recognizing the goal of “maintaining the principles of sustainable development”.29 Under the Act, “sustainable development” is defined as meaning “development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future gen. [...] Recommendation 25: Subsection 9(1A) and section 12 of the Environmental Assessment Regulations should be amended to require proponents to address uncertainty in the information they provide to the Minister and require the Minister to take uncertainty and the precautionary principle into account when formulating a decision under subsection 34(1) of the Environment Act. [...] Recommendation 25: Subsection 9(1A) and section 12 of the Environmental Assessment Regulations should be amended to require proponents to address uncertainty in the information they provide to the Minister and require the Minister to take uncertainty and the precautionary principle into account when formulating a decision under subsection 34(1) of the Environment Act.
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