cover image: Deep Geological Repository Conceptual Design Report Crystalline / Sedimentary Rock


Deep Geological Repository Conceptual Design Report Crystalline / Sedimentary Rock

16 Sep 2021

The transfer and placement technology will be refined and demonstrated in a mock-up of the placement room in a surfaced-based proof test facility and in the UDF prior to operations. [...] Section 3 addresses the proposed surface facilities including the Used Fuel Packaging Plant (UFPP), which will receive and process the incoming used fuel, and then package the used fuel inside the UFCs and Buffer Boxes. [...] The layout of the buildings provides for the safe and efficient operation of the facility in terms of radiological zoning, material movement, traffic patterns and interaction between the services provided by the different buildings. [...] The key process steps to achieve safe repackaging consist of: receiving and opening up the transportation packages in the UFTP/BTP Shipping and Receiving area; removing the used fuel and transferring them into the UFCs in the UFC Loading Cell; seal welding the loaded UFCs in the UFC Weld Cells; decontamination of the welded UFCs in the Decontamination cells; copper coating in the Copper. [...] The provisions for the safe handling of any wastes generated as a result of packaging the used fuel or maintenance of the used fuel handling equipment will also be provided in the UFPP.



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