▪School of Marine Sciences University of Maine, USA ▪Olympic Natural Resources Center Local Coastal Community ▪University of Washington, USA and Institution ▪Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency, Japan ▪Institut Teknologi Indonesia (ITI) University ▪Korea Institute of Ocean Science National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) University ▪ Development of a Disaster ▪ ITI and Technology,. [...] (Ciguatera Indonesia Ii) [Riim- ▪Institute for Inclusive Health and DATA COLLECTION Well-Being, University of Toronto, 33194679600] PLANKTOSCOPE-HYDROCOLOR Canada Research and Innovation FISH GIS ▪ Exploration of Ecology, ▪Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MEF) ▪PICES Secretariat, Canada ▪ Researcher ▪Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Affair (MFMA) Biophysics, Environmental ▪ Student ▪Ministry. [...] Izma Paryantini (G1A019089) with research title: Phytoplankton diversity as a bioindicator for water quality of Siwak Bay SEZ Mandalika, Central Lombok PlanktoScope, Hydrocolor and FIS GIS ❖ The Tisanianti article has been submitted to Jurnal Pijar MIPA in University of Mataram and still under review PlanktoScope, Hydrocolor and FIS GIS ❖ Sampling location and result in Tanjung Aan Prosentase of e. [...] PlanktoScope, Hydrocolor and FIS GIS In July 5th to 7th❖ 2023, Indonesian Ciguatera team had workshop on PlanktoScope, Hydrocolor and Fish GIS in Lombok Garden Hotel ❖ This workshop aimed to more practices of PlanktoScope, Hydrocolor and Fish GIS used. [...] WORKSHOP AND TRAINING Workshop and Training Agenda IMPLEMENTED AGENDA IMPLEMENTED AGENDA SUBMISSION OF PLANKTOSCOPE TO UNIVERSITY OF MATARAM THANK YOU This is our report about PlanktoScope, Hydrocolor and Fish GIS used in University of Mataram Thank You Slide 1 Slide 2 Slide 3 Slide 4 Slide 5: Progress on FishPhytO Usage of Planktoscope and Hydrocolor in Field Sampling in Belitung Slide 6: Field S.