cover image: TCP,CJS - MSGAPP - UT




22 Nov 2018

The goal of the assignment is to expose you to the challenge of understanding a topic of your choosing in a more detailed and critical way, and then of presenting a clear and succinct analysis in writing. [...] This will involve addressing several issues very succinctly: • What is the research question/s of the paper, and why is it important? • What is already known about the topic/what is the most important existing research on the topic? • What is the empirical strategy of the paper? • What are the key findings of the paper? This should include presentation and explanation of the key table(s) of findin. [...] • What are the implications of the findings for thinking about conflict, and policy to respond to conflict? • What are the weaknesses and limitation of the paper? Where is more research needed? To do this successfully you will need not only to review your own research paper, but to independently review the broader literature on your topic in detail, in order to better understand where your article. [...] The goal of the Response papers is to respond critically to the content of one of the presentations from two presentation sessions different to yours. [...] Final Written Test The Final Written Test will consist of a series of questions drawing on the entirety of the course material covered in the reading, during lectures, during the student presentations and during tutorials.


Paola Salardi

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