cover image: BED BUGS Prevention and Treatment


BED BUGS Prevention and Treatment

30 May 2017

You are at risk of bringing bed bugs home with you in the following situations: • You pick up furniture or objects left in the street that may be infested • You purchase potentially infested items in flea markets, thrift shops, or used furniture outlets • You move (either because there are bed bugs in the new home or because you have brought bed bugs with you by transporting infested items) • You. [...] • If the used articles you acquire cannot be put in the dryer or washer, put them in the freezer at a temperature of at least -18 °C (0.4 °F) for a minimum of 3½ days or steam clean them. [...] If you are a landlord or homeowner You must promptly contact a certified exterminator to resolve the bed bug problem and prevent the bed bugs from spreading. [...] Make sure the exterminator returns at least once to check the effectiveness of the first treatment and to apply the number of treatments required to eliminate all bed bugs. [...] If the exterminator asks you to take other measures to maximize the effectiveness of treatment, please follow their instructions to the letter.


Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux

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