cover image: English glossary - of EssEntial hEalth Equity tErms


English glossary - of EssEntial hEalth Equity tErms

16 May 2015

february 2015 English glossary of EssEntial hEalth Equity tErms PurPose and contents of the glossary French and English, we undertook separate development We created the glossary to respond to practitioner requests to processes for the English and French glossaries. [...] We need to review our services to consider how financial barriers are preventing use by certain groups of people in our community.” Social determinants of health the social determinants of health are the interrelated social, political and economic factors that create the conditions in which people live, learn, work and play. [...] the intersection of the social determinants of health causes these conditions to shift and change over time and across the life span, impacting the health of individuals, groups and communities in different ways. [...] For example, the library program is well attended … could we ask the participants how we could make it even better?” Leveling Up Leveling up is a policy strategy focused on the fair distribution of resources to individuals and groups at all social and economic levels with the intent of improving the overall health of the population. [...] when speaking with a family doctor, you could say: “I agree that it is important to provide services to the most disadvantaged people in our community, but we also need to help everyone access the resources they are entitled to so that we can level up the health status of the entire population.
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