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A Comprehensive Review and Development of Measurement Options for Essential Skills Initiatives

28 Mar 2019

This provides a theoretical foundation that explains the importance of each of the four key elements described above, offering not only a rationale for the measurement selection but also a guideline to ensure the chosen tools are grounded in the training services and relevant to the target training participants. [...] Given the usefulness of the Theory of Chance approach, the next sections of this guideline will elaborate on the key elements that make up a practical and plausible Theory of Change: contextual factors, program models and activities, and program outcomes. [...] The identification of skills gaps can be done by program staff with extensive Social Research and Demonstration Corporation 11 A Comprehensive Review and Development of Measurement Options for Essential Skills Initiatives: Framework knowledge of both the Essential Skills frameworks and the performance requirements of the industry. [...] Essentially, with this design, participants are more likely to appreciate the relevance and value of the assessments and measurement tools, motivating them to put in the time and effort to complete them. [...] Therefore, a key objective of the program should be to help participants adopt a more future-oriented outlook, encouraging them to see the benefits of putting in the time, efforts and resources to invest in their skills now to achieve better employment outcomes in the future.


Cam Nguyen

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