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No 2011-15-KJ Essential Services Update Provincial

13 Dec 2011

Marking of the essay portion of provincial exams that are marked locally is to be done by teachers, subject to the Employer utilizing administrators to the best extent possible. [...] Supervision of Provincial Exams The supervision of provincial exams was specifically addressed in B418/2001, which is incorporated into the current 2011 Essential Services Order: “The administration and supervision of provincial exams will continue to be provided by teachers subject to the Employer utilizing management and excluded staff to the best extent possible to replace teachers for these ac. [...] “Administrators being utilized to the best extent possible” in this case will mean that districts need to take into account the ability of individual principals and vice-principals to mark the exams both from a “technical” perspective (do they know how to mark the essay section and what marks to assign for various responses?) as well as from a “subject knowledge” perspective. [...] Administration of the Oral Portions of the Français langue première 12 and Français langue seconde immersion 12 The administration of the oral portions of the Français langue première 12 and Français langue seconde immersion 12 exams has been the subject of two LRB decisions over the past week: B221/2011 and a letter issued on December 7, 2011. [...] The LRB has ordered that administration of the oral French exams is to be done by teachers and is not subject to the use of any administrators or excluded/management personnel.



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