cover image: Foundations: 12-month impacts of 2011 - a literacy and essential skills


Foundations: 12-month impacts of 2011 - a literacy and essential skills

3 Oct 2017

Social Research and Demonstration Corporation 22 Foundations: 12-month impacts of a literacy and essential skills intervention for job seekers the other hand, training among program group members was more associated with the highest wage quintile – 7 per cent of the program group trained and got jobs of over 20 dollars per hour, compared to only 2 per cent of the control group. [...] The wage outcomes of those who trained and held current jobs at the time of the follow-up survey are illustrated in Figure 6.6 Thirty-seven per cent of control group members who had trained and were working at the time of the 12-month follow-up had middle-quintile wage jobs and only 7 per cent had jobs at the highest wage quintile (more than 20 dollars per hour). [...] Social Research and Demonstration Corporation 31 Foundations: 12-month impacts of a literacy and essential skills intervention for job seekers Subgroup impacts and targeting implications As detailed in the sections above, impacts of the FWSP on the overall population were largely positive along a number of dimensions, from career adaptability and skill use, to training, wages, job skill levels, an. [...] Social Research and Demonstration Corporation 49 Foundations: 12-month impacts of a literacy and essential skills intervention for job seekers Appendix H: Propensity score matching The high response rates for the 12-month survey allowed us to examine the impact of Portfolio and Skills Enhancement components of the program separately. [...] Figures 9 and 10 show that though before matching the distribution of propensity scores for the control group differed from that of the Portfolio and Skills Enhancement groups, respectively, after matching the weighted propensity score distributions of the control group closely resembled those of the two program subgroups.12 Tables 21 and 22 present the baseline characteristics of the Portfolio on.


Boris Palameta

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