As a result, the costs of non-compliance with the norms and principles of the UNHCR’s 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees are virtually non-existent. [...] Keeping the Promise 3 • countries that host significant refugee the purpose of the meeting is to “review the populations and are participants in the CRRF; implementation of the Convention and any other legal instruments that the COP adopts and take • donor countries; and decisions necessary to promote the effective implementation of the Convention, including • countries that resettle significant i [...] Its principal purposes In 1970, the United Nations established the Review would be to monitor compliance of the 1951 Conference of the Parties to the nuclear Non- Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees Proliferation Treaty, which meets every five years. [...] As with the to non-nuclear-weapon States by nuclear-weapon COP, the refugee responsibility-sharing review States, and on co-operation in the field of nuclear conference would be supported by a secretariat, energy for peaceful purposes.”6 The conference and would include thematic subsidiary bodies strives for consensus in the final document, and and sub-committees that would review particular has a [...] Its overarching Migration are “Standing Invitees to the Steering mandate, like that of the OECD-DAC, would be to Group”10 — the refugee responsibility-sharing improve the practices of donor states, specifically review conference would complement the work as it relates to support for host and front-line states.
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- 16
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- Waterloo, ON, CA