
Bail is a set of pre-trial restrictions that are imposed on a suspect to ensure that they comply with the judicial process. Bail is the conditional release of a defendant with the promise to appear in court when required.In some countries, especially the United States, bail usually implies a bail bond, a deposit of money or some form of property to the court by the suspect in return for the release from pre-trial detention. If the suspect does not return to court, the bail is forfeited and the suspect may possibly be brought up on charges of the crime of …



DDN: Dundurn Press · 4 February 2025 English

The shocking crimes of a trusted teacher wrought lasting damage on Inuit communities in Canada’s Arctic. In the 1970s, a young schoolteacher from British Columbia was becoming the darling of …

The Arrest   127 “Faked Bad”   145 Out on Bail   159 PART THREE Her Majesty The Queen Vs. Edward

CHRC: Canadian Human Rights Commission · 17 January 2025 French

(extrajudicial sanction) or by any other title, by or under an Act of the legislature of a province or by the lieutenant governor in council of a service de messagerie …

prononcé de la peine, no- fore sentencing, such as bail supervision programs; tamment des programmes de

Santé et Services sociaux Québec · 17 December 2024 French

Programme de désignation accès-réseau pour les groupes de médecine de famille (GMF) Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux Programme de désignation accès-réseau pour les groupes de médecine de …

premier des événements suivants : − l’échéance du bail en cours; − l’écoulement d’un nombre d’années, après

Protecteur du Citoyen du Québec · 17 December 2024 French

Demande d'accès à l'information

formulaire de demande et y joindre une copie de son bail ou, à défaut, une attestation du loyer délivrée civil concernant certains cas de résiliation du bail d’un logement. Son intervention est résumée à la les dossiers où il y avait le renouvellement d’un bail ou un changement d’adresse. Cela venait 84 R A P

Canada's Premiers · 16 December 2024 English

Premiers reaffirmed their support for a prosperous and secure Canada and for working with the federal government on trade, border security, and Arctic security and sovereignty. [...] Premiers urged the …

on the federal government for further action on bail reform, countering organized crime including auto

CIGI: Centre for International Governance Innovation · 15 December 2024 English

The scenarios groups to shape the design and operation of a data or selected had to cover different areas of the law and: AI system prior to and during deployment; …

where for offences he did not commit and kept on bail physical police patrols will be allocated. The system

CSLS: Centre for the Study of Living Standards · 13 December 2024 English

in the early 1990s the On- ment attention from the mid 1980s until tario government was forced to bail out one the arrival of the Trudeau government in of the largest companies. [...] joined in the 1990s

the mid 1980s until tario government was forced to bail out one the arrival of the Trudeau government in

CSLS: Centre for the Study of Living Standards · 13 December 2024 English

in the early 1990s the On- ment attention from the mid 1980s until tario government was forced to bail out one the arrival of the Trudeau government in of the largest companies. [...] joined in the 1990s

the mid 1980s until tario government was forced to bail out one the arrival of the Trudeau government in

ULCC: Uniform Law Conference of Canada · 11 December 2024 English

Members of the Executive Committee Mr Hinshaw introduced the members of the 2023-2024 Executive Committee: Vice-President Maria Markatos (Saskatchewan), Immediate Past President Sarah Dafoe (Alberta), Chair of the Civil Section …

of them resonate in recent legislative measures. Bail reform, addressing the impacts of Covid-19 on criminal

CCLA: Canadian Civil Liberties Association · 5 December 2024 English

Part 3 of the Bill proposes to amend the Canadian Human Rights Act (the “CHRA”) to add as a discriminatory practice the communication of hate speech by any means of …

restrictions being imposed on defendants. With respect to bail, the overuse of conditions that often do not address Association, “Still Failing: The Deepening Crisis of Bail and Pre-Trial Detention in Canada” (2024), online:

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