
A cartel is a group of independent market participants who collude with each other in order to improve their profits and dominate the market. Cartels are usually associations in the same sphere of business, and thus an alliance of rivals. Most jurisdictions consider it anti-competitive behavior. Cartel behavior includes price fixing, bid rigging, and reductions in output. The doctrine in economics that analyzes cartels is cartel theory. Cartels are distinguished from other forms of collusion or anti-competitive organization such as corporate mergers.



PMLQ: Parti marxiste-léniniste du Québec · 26 March 2024 French

Réaliser la valeur économique de la santé et de l'éducation ne devrait pas arriver par une voie indéterminée de taxation généralisée, souvent des taxes de ventes et de l'impôt sur …

concernant l'assurance médicaments au Parlement Des cartels d'assurance privés attaquent le système de santé concernant l'assurance médicaments au Parlement Des cartels d'assurance privés attaquent le système de santé sa déclaration, l'ACCAP fausse la réalité des cartels d'assurances qui siphonnent des milliards de dollars qu'ils paient pour les médicaments. L'objectif des cartels d'assurances est le profit privé maximum aux dépens Ce qui veut dire que la somme totale que les cartels reçoivent en primes d'assurances médicaments pour

Wilson Center Canada · 11 March 2024

The creation and approval between 2001 and 2019 of several regulations and institutions, such as the National Institute for Women (INMUJERES), the General Law for Equality between Women and Men …

Political Violence Against Women March 2024 Mexican Cartels and the FTO Debate February 2024 Photo Courtesy

Wilson Center Canada · 11 March 2024 English

With the small willingness of the federal government to handle the issue and a divided National Electoral Institute (INE) and Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judiciary (TEPJF), a careful assessment …

few decades, especially those relating to drug cartels. During the previous two decades, there has been been a significant fragmentation of Mexican cartels that began with President Felipe Calderón's war on diversification of crime and the violent clashes of cartels have caused the disruption and formation of political

CDA: Conference of Defence Associations Institute · 8 March 2024 English

The Second World War gave birth to the Atlantic Charter, the UN Charter, the Paris Peace Treaties, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Fourth Geneva Convention, and the Genocide …

particularly special forces in actions against cartels in Mexico. Others have stated that all aid to Mexico through corruption, or through intimidation. The cartels in Mexico and elsewhere supplanted or co-existing little or no allegiance to state backers. Drug cartels that have exploded in size and capability, seriously

CDA: Conference of Defence Associations Institute · 7 March 2024 English

The Second World War gave birth to the Atlantic Charter, the UN Charter, the Paris Peace Treaties, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Fourth Geneva Convention, and the Genocide …

particularly special forces in actions against cartels in Mexico. Others have stated that all aid to Mexico through corruption, or through intimidation. The cartels in Mexico and elsewhere supplanted or co-existing little or no allegiance to state backers. Drug cartels that have exploded in size and capability, seriously

PMLQ: Parti marxiste-léniniste du Québec · 24 February 2024 French

Les luttes de factions, les rivalités, les accusations et contre-accusations entre les partis cartellisés continuent de dominer les ondes et de détourner l'attention des stratagèmes du gouvernement pour payer les …

en question, sont communément établis par des cartels formés de compagnies d'assurance privées, de grandes entreprises pour la remettre entre les mains des cartels mondiaux et de leurs propriétaires milliardaires dirigeante d'offrir des subventions massives aux cartels mondiaux et pour les préparatifs de guerre en concert

Wilson Center Canada · 21 February 2024 English

The aim of this paper is to explain the stages of an FTO designation, and the roles of the various government stakeholders involved. [...] STAGE Clearance The administrative record draft …

Mexican Cartels and the FTO Debate February 2024 Photo Courtesy of: M-Production / Shutterstock Mexican Mexican Cartels and the FTO Debate The Designation Process and Relevant Government Stakeholders By María María Calderón Executive Summary Mexican cartels represent a multifaceted and complex problem with significant included the question of whether designating Mexican cartels as Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) would protecting national security. In the past when Mexican cartels have harmed American citizens, members of Congress

Wilson Center Canada · 21 February 2024 English

Legal Framework and FTO Definition The legal framework developed to establish the process, definitions, and concepts for an FTO designation is based on the United States Code (USC) and the …

Mexican Cartels and the FTO Debate February 2024 Photo Courtesy of: M-Production / Shutterstock Mexican Mexican Cartels and the FTO Debate The Designation Process and Relevant Government Stakeholders By María María Calderón Executive Summary Mexican cartels represent a multifaceted and complex problem with significant included the question of whether designating Mexican cartels as Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) would protecting national security. In the past, when Mexican cartels have harmed American citizens, members of Congress

C.D. Howe Institute · 13 February 2024 English

Howe Institute’s 2024 Shadow Federal Budget will reduce the pressure of federal spending and borrowing on Canada’s economy, improve the equity and effectiveness of federal programs, and make room for …

needed for nondiscretionary Government-mandated cartels in eggs, dairy and expenses from taxation. This

Wilson Center Canada · 30 January 2024 English

This policy brief considers four factors that explain US and the International Refugee System when the US chooses to act favorably, consistent with international and domestic laws, to promote The …

persecution by non-state actors, such as drug cartels and gangs, are legitimate grounds for obtaining

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